The pregnant actress says that she hopes her baby inherits her ethnic looks. “I’m excited for my baby to be brown,” she tells the mag. “I just have to believe the dark gene is going to survive. Cash [Warren] and I are like, please!”
But the new face of Revlon put her foot in her mouth once again when she bragged about her low-maintenance lifestyle. “I’m not a make-up and hair kind of girl,” she said. “I don’t really have a brush.”
Uh, Jess, Ron Perlman is on line two for you…
On being low-maintenance:
“I’m not a make-up and hair kind of girl. I don’t really have a brush.”
On her ethnic looks:
“I like that I look different. I like having flavor. I think it’s funny that women get their lips injected and get butt implants. Everyone wants to look like us now.”
On the plastic surgery trend among L.A. women:
“In Beverly Hills there’s a whole race of women that look exactly the same. The cheeks, the lips, the t*ts, the a*s — everything. They’re scary. They’re so skinny.”
On why she doesn’t think she’s sexy:
“Scarlett Johansson is insanely sexy, Jessica Biel is insanely sexy, Angelina Jolie is insanely sexy. So why me? It doesn’t even make sense.”
On claims that she’s cut loose from her Mexican roots:
“I never said that. Cut loose from what? What the hell are they talking about? Why would I want to cut loose from the only family I know?”
On not learning to speak Spanish as a child:
“I wish to God that my dad spoke Spanish to my brother and me, but he didn’t grow up with it.”
On confusing other men for her dad as a kid:
“When I was little, I used to go up to black men and hold their legs, thinking it was my dad all the time. I’d wrap my arms around them, then look up and be like, ‘Oh my God!’”
On being accepted for who she is in Hollywood:
“I was always trying to figure out: How the hell am I going to be mainstream? How are people going to accept me? When are they going to get a clue that I am American, that this is what America looks like — people like me who are mixed, have different blood, mixed with different ethnicities? When are the people who are hiring for these jobs and writing these screenplays going to realize that?”
On the Hollywood double standard:
“No one gives Cameron Diaz a hard time for not speaking Spanish,” says Jessica. “Her dad’s Cuban, and I was telling her I feel so bad because everyone is so nasty to me for not speaking Spanish. She’s like, ‘I don’t speak Spanish! I barely speak English!’ ”